Episode | Description |
[***1/2] Equinox, Part II | [Season Premiere] Janeway dons her Ahab cap...again. |
[***1/2] Survival Instinct | Seven of Nine encounters some old Drone buddies. |
[****] Barge of the Dead | B'Elanna Torres goes to Klingon Hell. |
[****] Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy | Doc gets in touch with his inner Reg Barclay and scores the Trekkie Trifecta...in his DREAMS! |
[**1/2] Alice | Tom gets a new yummy toy to play with. |
[**1/2] Alice | (Guest review by Heather Jarman) |
[***] Riddles | When Tuvok loses his mind, he and Neelix become fast friends. |
[***] Dragon's Teeth | History's Most Dangerous Species takes Voyager at least ten whole minutes to annihilate. |
[**5**] One Small Step | Seven of Nine gains a greater appreciation for the Mars program. |
[***] The Voyager Conspiracy | Seven of Nine Deep Throats the whole Delta Quadrant boondoggle. |
[**5**] Pathfinder | Meanwhile, back in the Alpha Quadrant... |
[***] Fair Haven | Janeway looks for lovin' in virtual space. |
[***] Blink of an Eye | Time flies--I mean, really flies--when you're knee-deep in tachyons. |
[***] Virtuoso | The Doctor becomes bigger than Elvis. Harry dies--so to speak. |
[***1/2] Memorial | The crew gets an unwanted lesson in guilt. |
[***1/2] Tsunkatse | Seven of Nine joins the WWF. "47 Quatloos against the newcomer." |
[**] Collective | Seven adopts a Collective. |
[**] Spirit Folk | Yet Another Holodeck Malfunction (YAHM) mucks up Janeway's Saturday evening plans. |
[***1/2] Ashes to Ashes | Harry's bad-luck dating streak now includes the dearly departed. Seven plays wicked stepmother. |
[***] Child's Play | Icheb is shocked when his birth parents tell him he was adapted. [sic] |
[***1/2] Good Shepherd | Mama Kate takes a road trip with a few of her problem children. |
[***1/2] Live Fast and Prosper | is it Janeway, or is it Memorex? |
[****] Muse | B'Elanna becomes a playwright's inspiration. Nobody knows what happened to Harry. |
[*] Fury | Kes is back. And she's not happy. Neither am I. |
[**5**] Life Line | Doc visits Jupiter Station. Physician, upgrade thyself. |
[**1/2] The Haunting of Deck 12 | Neelix gets long-winded about nebular gas. |
[***1/2] Unimatrix Zero, Part One | [Season Finale] Seven of Nine joins the Borg Maquis. |
September 1999 to May 2000
Ah, Season Six.
The JetC contingent took Braga off their Prixin list when he gave Janeway a digital boy toy. There's plenty of high concept, as well as some lowest common denominator -- If ya smeeeeelllllalalalalaow! What The Rock! Is! Cookin... Extreme Action, Extreme Passion, Extreme objectification and adjectivication....
We even picked up a litter of new recurring characters, giving Seven of Nine a chance to learn how to play momma.
I enjoyed it, but in the third season of Exhaustively Comprehensive reviews, I was showing the strain. Reviews began coming in late. The selfish part of me hoped the rumors for an abbreviated series run were true, just so I could rest. I still liked watching the show - very much - but was losing a taste for the writing. It may have shown from time to time.