DELTA BLUES Sites of the Week

Updated: January 16, 2000

DELTA BLUES is more than just a play on words. I'm a long-time fan of blues music. The guitar and harmonica can laugh or cry along with you; the vocals can lift your spirits, or sit with you and share your pain. There's a song and a style for every mood.

I'm no expert, but I know what I like. Here are some favorites.

Previous Selections

16 January 2000
Herd of Blues
Though DELTA BLUES is a Star Trek site, apparently the Blues Links page is getting some notice; folks are actually submitting blues links to me. This was one, a Chicago-style blues and R&B group. The site includes clips from their CD, and what I listened to, I liked. Check it out.

12 October 1999
This is a streaming audio program set up like a DMX box, with channels for dozens of music genres. There's almost a dozen Blues and Jazz channels to choose from. Use a web-based app or download a the player. Thumbs way up for this site.

10 July 1999
Searchable listing of blues festivals around the country. Also includes interviews, highlights from past blues fests, and news.

3 July 1999
Waterfront Blues Festival
Home page for the 1999 Portland, Oregon Waterfront Blues Festival

14 March 1999
Georgie Bonds
Georgie Bonds and The Blues Keepers Live At WARM DADDY'S--some downloadable RealAudio clips from Philadelphia's Night Club Got my feet tappin'.

01 November 1998
Austin city Limits
Yeah, they play *shudder* country music sometimes. But they also frequently showcase blues acts. This is the official page at the PBS site.

23 June 1998
Mai Cramer's Real Blues
Mai Cramer is a Boston-based Blues Babe with an impressive radio resume. This uncomplicated site is well worth exploring, especially if you're in the Boston area.

14 April 1998
Blues Brothers
This movie is one of my guilty pleasures.

4 April 1998
Cascade Blues Association
Dedicated to the preservation and promotion of blues and roots music in Oregon and Washington. (Power of the Web--it's based here in Portland, but it took a friend in Italy to point it out to me.)

17 January 1998
Linn County Blues Society
Nothing says The Blues like Iowa. :) A surprisingly good site with lots of blues news, links, info, etc. It includes a nice Luther Allison tribute page.

7 December 1997
Jim Byrnes
I'm also a fan of the Highlander movie and television series, which introduced me to the person--and the music--of Jim Byrnes, who plays "Watcher" Joe Dawson. This page gives a nice bio and an order form for his newest CD, That River.

23 November 1997
Spaghetti Blues
This English-language page is dedicated to Italian Blues bands and clubs. Some good links, "web ring" jumps to other locations, etc. (Blues, like Trek, is international.)

16 November 1997
Kansas City Blues Society
There's some great stuff here.

2 November 1997
Geoff's Blues Page
You're greeted by pictures of Stevie Ray and Buddy Guy. What's not to love? Lots of good SRV and other blues links.

26 October 1997
Nashville Fats
Brief bio of the Christian Blues artist, and an order form for his CD, Kind Hearted Savior.

5 October 1997
MIDI Collector's Page
A nice collection of blues songs in MIDI format.

13 September 1997
Blues News
"Straight from the pages of the Inland Empire's only Blues and Entertainment guide to you!" don't let the front page and its paragraph-long link fool you; there's some good blues info at this site.

6 September 1997
[No selection]
I accidentally ran into an episode of "Joanie Loves Chachi" on Nick at Night's TV Land. It took the whole week to recover.

31 August 1997
Blues Primer
I've gotten a dozen copies of this gem through email the past couple of weeks. The Blues is often about laughing your way through your troubles, so this little how-to guide seems a perfect fit.

24 August 1997
Zenith Blues Festival
An all-star lineup, a nationwide tour, and cool prizes. Check to see if it's coming to your town. The tour goes through August and September.

17 August 1997
Luther Allison
I'm sad to report that Blues great Luther Allison passed away last week. I saw him play a couple of years ago; he was one of my favorites. I'll miss him. This site is a good launching point, and there's a great picture of him. Fittingly, under "Tour Dates," today is listed as the day of his funeral and a "memorial jam session" at Buddy Guy's Legends. Tonight I'll be playing "(They Called) Another Blues Singer Back Home" in his honor.

10 August 1997
Blues Legends Gallery
Images from the Cascade Blues Association.

3 August 1997
Buddy Guy's Legends Online
More Buddy Guy. He was just in town with Robert Cray, so Buddy's been on my mind. (BTW, whoever told my coworkers to nickname me "T-Bone"...thanks a LOT.)

27 July 1997
Blues Links
A nice collection of blues links, sorted by category.

20 July 1997
DJ Player (updated 11/2/98)
This excellent program plays continuous, commercial-free music in dozens of categories...including several all-blues channels (Delta, Chicago, Electric, Modern, and All). You can use the Internet for other tasks and listen to music in the background, even on a 28.8k modem. I give this program many thumbs up.

13 July 1997
Howlin' Wolf
A good introduction to the great Howlin' Wolf, by an ardent fan. Some links to Wolf's recording sessions. If you prefer Duke Ellington, he also has this set of pages.

06 July 1997
1997 Portland Waterfront Blues Festival
Great artists, two stages, four days and an evening of barge-based fireworks with several thousand of your new best friends. I knew there was a reason I moved here...

29 June 1997
Delta Blues on the Streets
The streets of Alexandria, Virginia never sounded so good.

22 June 1997
Blues Web
More Blues than you can shake a stick at.

15 June 1997
Blue Flame Cafe
Lots of good Blues references and profiles.

08 June 1997
Buddy Guy
All Buddy Guy, All The Time. One of Mike's favorites, and mine. Exhaustive list of credits, albums and tracks, concert dates, and a link or two, this is a good introduction to a still-touring blues legend.

01 June 1997
Australian Blues
I don't know if there are deltas in Australia, but they appear to have a thriving Blues scene. Some nice audio clips and local band info.

25 May 1997
The longest-running blues website on the Internet, this has a unique feature I really like: mentors. If you have a question about a specific blues artist or area, there's an expert available to answer your question.

18 May 1997
Glen Adams' Delta Kitchen
A whole lotta blues going on here.

11 May 1997
Lonnie Brooks
I saw Lonnie and his son perform at the Snowbird Jazz and Blues festival a few years ago, and became an instant fan.

04 May 1997
Essential Blues
If you're new to the Blues, this compilation from House of Blues Music Company is a great introduction. This page includes biographies of some of my favorite artists and some sound clips.

27 April 1997
John Lee Hooker
Another personal favorite, John Lee Hooker is a bluesman from way back who is still going strong.

20 April 1997
The Walter Miller Home Page
This isn't exactly a Delta Blues page, but I'm including it based on the B.B. King maxim: "The Blues ain't nothing but a good man feelin' bad." Walter, who is a perennial favorite online, has the sort of life that blues songs are forged from. He has a gift for language that doesn't extend to spelling, but it's also got some of the drop-dead funniest bits of Texas trailer-park misery I've ever read. (WARNING: not for the easily offended.)

13 April 1997
The Eric Clapton Lyric Archive
Eric Clapton was heavily influenced by Robert Johnson. He's done some amazing things with the guitar over the years, but some of my favorites have been his blues covers and originals.

6 April 1997
The Mudcat Cafe
A great launching point for Delta Blues fans. Learn whether Robert Johnson really sold his soul at the Crossroads, just for starters.

30 March 1997
The Delta Blues Museum
I recommend this one highly.

23 March 1997
The one who first got me interested in The Blues. Just a man, a guitar, and a microphone...but if you haven't heard of him, you've heard of the folks he influenced. A fitting first choice for Site of the Week.

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