One day at a time

Consistency succeeds where bursts of activity between long periods of bad habits does not.

New Month, New Week, New Fast

I gained a few pounds over the weekend, which isn’t totally surprising – fast when fasting, feast when feasting. Saturday we had a big plate of sausage, fried Brussels sprouts, and sauerkraut. I also had three tubs of greek yogurt before day’s end, along with four boiled eggs with avocado mayo. The only thing I’m […]

each step feeling easier

I’ve used the InstaKetones again today, but otherwise sticking to water and salt. Been around 48 hours of near-water fasting (< 100 calories/day) and 4 days total “fasting” (<1000 calories/day). I’m not sure where the calories show up on the instaketones – 48 per serving, even though no fat, carbs, or protein are listed. Probably the […]